Smith and wesson 38 special serial number decoder
Smith and wesson 38 special serial number decoder

Without the flat, there would be insufficient room for the cylinder to close. The minimal clearance between the gas ring / yoke and the barrel flat is evident on this Model 19-3. The barrel flat is evident on this K-Frame Model 13. 38 Special +P round (21,500 psi maximum). 38 Special (which began its life as a blackpowder round, and only produced a SAAMI-spec, 18,300 psi maximum pressure), nor the later (1970s era). This milled flat reduced the wall thickness of the barrel extension a slight amount, but did not create a structural problem at the low pressures of the. 32 caliber), the barrel extension that poked through the frame and formed the forcing cone was slightly relieved at the 6 O’Clock position to make room for the swinging yoke and cylinder to close. 38 S&W Special guns (“K-Frame,” in factory parlance, as opposed to the smaller “I-Frame,” designed around the. 38 Hand Ejector went through several minor changes and eventually morphed into the legendary Model 10, in 1957, following a change to the hammer block mechanism in December of 1944, and the incorporation of a new “short action” hammer throw in February of 1948. 32 Hand Ejector, which barely preceded it). 38 Hand Ejector Model, which was the second of the solid frame, swinging cylinder guns produced by Smith & Wesson (the first being the.

smith and wesson 38 special serial number decoder

The beginning of our story starts with the early. We’ve covered a bit of the L-Frame’s history before in the pages of RevolverGuy, but it’s time to take a deeper look at how this revolver design came about, and pay tribute to its creator, Mr. Some of those favorites have come and gone from the Smith & Wesson catalog over the years, but the ever-popular L-Frame family of revolvers remains, and continues to sell strong for the team from Springfield, Massachusetts. With a company history that dates back to 1852, Smith & Wesson has seen a lot of milestones and has delivered a host of classic designs to the shooting public.

Smith and wesson 38 special serial number decoder